COVID-19: In order to keep everyone safe, everyone attending is advised to take a rapid lateral flow test before attending events. Anyone who tests positive should follow national guidance and we would ask you to not attend, in order to keep everyone safe. If you have any of the main Covid-19 symptoms (continuous cough, high temperature, loss of or change to your sense of taste or smell) we would ask you to not attend, in order to keep others safe. A sanitising station will also be available at all events. Please act responsibly.

FIRST AID: In a medical emergency please contact the nearest stewards or security staff who will alert a first aider or call arrange for emergency services to be called.

ROADS: Our events are taking place near live roads. Please be aware of road users. 

FIRE AND EMERGENCY EVACUATION: On discovering a fire please sound the alarm and follow venue evacuation procedures. Inform your nearest member of security/steward. Music should be stopped immediately and an announcement made via the PA/megaphone by an event official where relevant. Please leave the area calmly. Stewards will guide you to the meeting point. In the case of a terrorist act or incident involving an armed person please adopt the “run, hide, tell” plan- leave the immediate area as quickly as possible and hide somewhere safe, then call 999.

CHILDREN: Please keep children close by, as they may get lost in crowds. Lost children should be reported to a steward or security. All lost children should be reported to the event manager (announcement to be made via PA or megaphone).

SECURITY: Professional security staff are assisting late night events - please follow their instructions. Any suspicious, abusive or antisocial behaviour should be reported to security staff. Attendees should not engage with anyone being abusive or causing a nuisance, in order to prevent situations escalating- instead please inform a member of security and let them deal with it. Illegal behaviour should be reported to the police. In an emergency please inform your nearest security staff or call 999 if they are not available and the matter is urgent.

WEATHER: If it rains surfaces may be slippery so please be cautious and use sensible footwear. Use sun protection if needed, especially for children, and drink plenty of water. Drinking water is available from all venues.    

EXCESSIVE DRINKING, DRUGS AND ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOUR: Security and venue managers reserve the right to eject anyone from the event area who is drinking to excess, engaging in illegal activity or is being antisocial. Bar staff will not serve people who are drinking to excess and/or those who cannot provide appropriate ID as necessary (Challenge 25 ID checks in operation). Illegal behaviour, including illegal drugs use, will not be tolerated and will be reported to the police as necessary.

SAFE SPACE: Our venues are safe spaces. If you are experiencing difficulties or distress please speak to your nearest steward who will guide you to a quiet/welfare area or venue.

TRANSPORT: Please ensure you have made plans to get home safely. Local taxi services are: Folkestone Taxi 01303 252000, JJ Taxis 01303 244442, Premier Taxis 01303 270000

ADDITIONAL: Be vigilant for any general hazards. Look out for each other! If you have any issues at our events, please talk to any of our stewards or security and they will direct you to someone who can help.