Join the launch of The Journey Is The Map

Local creative Lucy Thane and colleagues from Folkestone Dance to launch The Journey Is The Map with a special event. The project is a creative conversation journey through Kent towards the Sea; in collaboration with and raising money for Green Kordofan/ Kent residents who are currently refugees: A sponsored procession taking a multiplicity of forms acknowledging disparate access needs and abilities; Incorporating ritual, somatic movement, dance, sound, music, storytelling and discussion exploring and exchanging diverse experiences of “Body” “Kith and Kin” “Home” “Land” “Country” “Earth” with human and more than human communities, land, air and seas we pass through; We will travel with a light portable biodegradable boat into which participants will deposit their stories and dreams and choose their means of transformation.

23/03, gather at Space Bar between 5pm and 5:30pm (the bar and gallery exhibition is open earlier, from 4pm). Event takes place 5:30pm-6pm and is followed by a talk and live music at The Clearing, Folkestone Quarterhouse.

Announcing FolkeFest’s visual arts exhibitions


Full Line Up Announced!